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Little knowledge about daily maintenance and upkeep of brake drums, brake pads, etc

RELEASE DATE:2023.08.30

1. Maintain the cleanliness of the caliper disc hydraulic brake assembly, especially the surface of the brake disc and brake lining, to ensure that the entire brake operates freely, flexibly, reliably, and cleanly.

2. Regularly observe the stock of brake fluid in the oil pool. When the liquid level is below the marking line, clean brake fluid of the original brand should be added in a timely manner, so that its height is millimeters higher than the marking line. It is not allowed to mix other brands of brake fluid. After adding, the air nozzle should be opened for exhaust before tightening for use.

3. Regularly check the thickness of the brake disc (usually over kilometers). When the thickness of the worn brake disc is less than the specified value, the brake disc must be replaced.

4. During use, the surface of the brake lining should not be contaminated with grease or brake fluid, and the thickness of the lining should be checked regularly. If the thickness is less than the specified value, the dynamic lining should be replaced.

When there is oil leakage at the piston of the master cylinder and slave cylinder, the sealing ring must be replaced. Special attention should be paid to the fact that new sealing rings must be soaked in brake fluid for at least an hour before being replaced. They cannot be assembled and used immediately. When cleaning the oil cylinder or piston, it is necessary to use a sprinkling solution, and gasoline or other mineral oil liquids are not allowed.

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